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Thursday Tips : Really Related to Royalty?


A discussion of Source, Information and Evidence as key to 'good' Genealogical Research


Shopping at a local bookstore I met a young man who had a similar interest in genealogy. He stated he had successfully researched his family tree back to the 7th century (600 A.D.) My internal alarm bells went off and I smiled and nodded knowing I did not have the time that day for a proper conversation about his research techniques. As I left, I wondered, did he really have the sources, information and evidence key to proving such a genealogical connection?

Numerous online trees claim relation to historical figures of importance. It is the goal of many to lay claim of direct descent from those in power and position: a Warrior or Conqueror, Lord or Lady, a Prince or Princess or even a King or Queen of an ancient kingdom.

It is inherent in our world where people seek acceptance, importance and popularity that some genealogies will be created and constructed to 'serve' such a purpose. Sometimes, these corrupted purposes are even subversive or malefic.

Examples of harmful lineages include those that:

  • set a base for royal or political claim to authority

  • implement caste systems or elevate one group over another

  • allow for 'purification' of a nation or state by using ancestry to restrict citizenship and civil rights (Race Science and Hitler's Final Solution)

This is why we use Source, Information and Evidence to claim proof of connection and relationship.

We evaluate the source to understand it’s validity (true or not true) the source supplies information which gives or does not give evidence. Evidence provides the support or proof of the facts. Proof requires citation (a direction to the source used). Proper citation references the source.

We take proven evidence and include it into our family history to help our claim. This is a good genealogical standard.

As for if my blood or yours is 'royal' or not ~ I look at it through the words of Michael Skinner (The Streets) in his song 'On the Edge of a Cliff'

For billions of years since the outset of time

Every single one of your ancestors has survived?

Every single person on your mum and dad's side?

Successfully looked after and passed on to you life.

What are the chances of that, like?

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